This section covers some of the major cross-cutting migration issues covered over the last three editions of the World Migration Report series, namely: Border management, Displacement, Gender and children/youth, Global migration governance, Labour migration, Migrants’ rights, Migration and development, Migration, environment and climate change, Migration narratives, and Technology.

For each of these cross-cutting issues, users will find: 

An index based on specific sub-topics associated with each cross-cutting issue

Sub-topics are identified in index tables with corresponding chapters and pages. Please note that:

Index methodology:

  • Each sub-topic may further be broken down in sub-thematic areas. When no sub-thematic areas are provided, it means that the references provided in the index are covering the aspect or key word from the thematic perspective of each specific chapter of the World Migration Report.
  • The cross-thematic indexes have been prepared through automatic searches of sub-topics. Anecdotal mentions have not been included.  

Index coverage:

  • Indexes cover:
    • Chapters 1-3 (part I: Key data and information on migration and migrants) of World Migration Report 2022
    • Thematic chapters (part II: Complex and emerging migration issues) of the 2022, 2020 and 2018 editions.
  • Indexes do not cover:
    • Chapters 4 of the 2022, 2020 and 2018 editions focusing on migration research.
    • Appendices of chapters. 

Chapters are hyperlinked so that users can directly access information and analysis they are interested in.

Deep-dive textboxes

A banner for a deep-dive into a specific cross-cutting issue and/or sub-topic is provided at the end of each section whenever a specific chapter of the report focuses thereon. In those cases, references to the specific chapters are not repeated into the indexes of sub-topics.

Textboxes with additional resources from the World Migration Report series

Whenever relevant, additional resources building on the World Migration Report are indicated for the user.