Two chapters address the issue of global migration governance:


World Migration Report 2020, chapter 11 – "Recent developments in the global governance of migration: An update to the World Migration Report 2018"

The chapter is organized in different sections that respectively cover:

  • The development and adoption of the global compacts
    • The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
    • The Global Compact on Refugees (pp. 351-354)
  • Complementarity, coherence and gaps between the two global compacts
  • How do the global compacts influence the global migration governance architecture?
    • Institutional architecture
  • The current phase in the evolution of migration governance: Implications for the future

To learn more:


World Migration Report 2018, chapter 5 – "Global migration governance: Existing architecture and recent developments"

The chapter is organized in different sections that respectively cover:

Benefits and barriers to global migration governance

Norms and institutions

  • Overview of legal and normative architecture
    • Persecution, torture and war
    • Trafficking and smuggling
    • Labour and services
    • Family unity
    • Modes of movement
  • Overview of institutional architecture

Efforts to improve global governance (2001-2016)

  • Dialogue and consultation
  • Mini-multilateralism in filling normative protection gaps
  • Migration and other areas of global governance
    • Migration and development
    • Migration and climate change
    • Migration and disaster risk reduction
    • Migration and urbanization

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