As the UN migration agency, IOM has a range of freely available resources that enable anyone interested in migration to access the latest research, data and information on the topic. Some of the key resources are outlined below.

World Migration Report website

The World Migration Report website provides access to the report as well as a range of other World Migration Report material, including media resources, toolkits, videos and previous editions of the report.

World Migration Report Interactive

The World Migration Report Interactive is a digital platform that draws on the WMR series and presents the latest report edition (2022) in a visually engaging and interactive way. The microsite increases the utility and accessibility of the report's analytical content by making it possible for anyone interested in migration to interact with the data to identify key migration trends and patterns quickly and easily - and then access additional information in the full (pdf) report.

IOM Research

The IOM Research website is home to multiple resources and research products produced by, or with, the Division. These include information on research outputs such as the Migration Research Series (MRS), which focuses on policy-oriented and empirical research and analysis and links to the International Migration journal, IOM's independently edited scientific journal on migration issues. It also includes links to platforms such as the World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence Platform (co-curated with IOM), content from the Migration Research and Publishing High Level Advisers - who partner with IOM Research to produce evidence-based research and analysis of international migration and displacement and Migration Research at lunchtime videos, among others. 

Migration Data Portal

The Migration Data Portal aims to facilitate the understanding of migration data by making them more accessible, more visible and easier to understand. The Portal is currently available in English, French, Spanish and German.

UN Migration Network Hub

The UN Migration Network Hub was launched on 18 March 2021 and represents the first knowledge platform and connection hub to support United Nations Member States in the implementation, follow-up and review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

IOM Publications Platform

The IOM Publications Platform contains thousands of electronic publications on migration in dozens of different languages. Almost all IOM publications are free to download. 

List of migration journals

This list of migration journals worldwide provides a guide to some of the existing journals publishing migration-related research and analysis. The list is available in English, French and Spanish.


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